The Hidden Book of Prophecy | With 1st Esdras | 2021 | The Levite Bible
ISBN-979-8-510-54953-9 | Library Of Congress Control Number: 1-10500202551
Uncover the hidden prophecies of 2nd Esdras proven to be accurate such as the Final Eagle Empire in the continuation of Daniel's Fourth Beast, the Birth of Messiah pinpointed exactly, the origin of Revelation in large part, etc. Also, 2nd Esdras locates the Northern Lost Tribes of Israel with specificity and documents the antediluvian cosmology. 1st Esdras records the true date for the Feast of Dedication of the 2nd Temple which is not the Pharisee Hanukkah. First, we apply a Torah Test to these books and then, we connect them to the Qumran Scrolls. We also provide charts, maps and commentary which will assist in everyone's understanding of this book. There is a reason why this book remained historically in the Bible including the 1611 KJV, 1560 Geneva Bible and even some canons to this day. Learn how Messiah quoted 2nd Esdras even according to the 1611 KJV translators and it was used by John, Peter, Paul, James and and Angel in Heaven. Sounds like something we should at least be aware and reading. It's time to dig beyond a shallow blog written by another Pharisee and prove this book for yourself.
Size: 7" x 10" | Length: 208 pages | Paperback
Category: Religious Scripture
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